First of all: A Happy Birthday to Mom and Kara! Love you!
Second of all: Yes! As an answer to Mom's Question: Hernie and Rene were baptized on Saturday :). It went smoothly (late, but smoothly) The caretaker thought the water the Elders filled in the font on Friday night was from the baptism LAST week. . so he drained it. . . Saturday Morning! So Sister Cristanto and I had to go and fill it up! (it takes FOREVER) My favorite part was before we filled it, we cleaned the dirt out with a walis tingting (it's like a witch broom.)
Don't quite know what to say about it. . . . it was super great. Chonna was so excited for her Husband to be a Member, he was excited to become a member so that Christ can always be the center of their lives, and Rene was only nervous about giving his testimony. (he did great, btw) Sister Cruz's 16 month toddler started crying when she went under. hahahaha, we were all just laughing. (he's quite the screamer)
Everybody! |
S. Crisanto, Rene, E. Suerte, Hernie (holding Nephi), Chonna, Me, Kiko (Rene's Cousin) |
The Elders Taught Brother and Sister Cruz :) |
Sister Crisanto and I have decided that the people we teach are like our children. :) Hernie is the oldest. It's like he's the one you don't worry about because you know one day he'll be a successful lawyer with a good life and family. Rene is the Teen with problems, but he's got a good group of friends, so you don't worry too much about him either (his cousins are all members. He was the only one in his house not yet baptized.) Loren. . . Oh yeah. Loren. Don't worry, she's fine, but she came clean about how she's been smoking, but was just too ashamed to tell us. So now we're working with her. She'll be baptized, but this just isn't the time for her right now. Unlike Rene, she needs a new group of friends. :/ Sometimes LAs are like you're niece or nephew, and then you're like, "didn't your mother raise you right??" but you love them anyway.
Less Actives Coming BACK :) slowly but surely |
Recent Convert Andrea paying her tithing for the first time :D |
Tuesday (not Wednesday. . . surprise to us! yay. . .) we went to Iloilo for Zone Conference, in a van. I can't remember the last time I sat inside a van. . .and this time it was with a bunch a strangers. . . Luckily the Sessions gave us a ride back home in their truck. I trust Elder Sessions' driving more than a Filipino's. . .
Zone Conference was super great. I saw Sister Massé one last time, and I got to meet my 'Sister'. And I met my other Adopted Granddaughter, Sister Jongco. (yeah. Sister Taufanga has trained 3 times now. My family tree is huge because of her)
Sister Massé! And my 'sister' Sister Pelonia |
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My Name Buddy in the Mission! Elder Smith! |
W, Th, and Fri, Sister Gallarda came from Hamtic to work with us. :) She heads for the MTC this week, and wanted time to work with the Sisters to see what it's like to be a missionary. Rain or shine! (it rained all day Friday.) She'll be great :) Those people in Mindanao need to watch out, she's going to harvest and do some good!
The Soon to be Sister Gallarda |
The Church is true! (and so is everything attached to it)
Sister Smith