07 April 2014

Week 23: Miracle of Miracles - Investigators at Church

Dearest Panimalay kag mga Abyan,

SUMMER IS HERE!  Everyone says, "ahh, it doesn't really start getting hot until April or May." Well, it was April 1st, and it was suddenly MUCH hotter than it was before!

With the heat being more prominent in everyday life, so is NAP time. I've learned that I really don't like Siesta, because it starts around noon, and ends at four: other wise known as Prime Proselyting time. 

This week was hard with how hot it was, and how uninterested the people were (or how much they slept. or were just out of town because summer vacation from school just started) we were PUNTED. (Mission Lingo for: Lessons falling through.) 

Pero, there were so many tender mercies and miracles this week. 

First. Gina. She's the Bishop's (now stake presidency member's) house help. She's back from being home sick on Guimaras for a month. She read her Book of Mormon while she was gone (but she was too far away from the church). But she's back and still has the desire to be baptized :D 

Second. Toffee: (Pronounced: Toe Fee, not Tah Fee) We lost track of Toffee because he went out of town for work for a month. We had an appointment with his neighbor at 10 in the morning (we mixed up our studies just so we could go to her) but she wasn't there. So we decided to take a wild try and at least TRY his door. And he was THERE, and is still the earnest seeker of truth he was before (he watched the Joseph Smith Restoration video online, before we ever taught him about Joseph Smith.) Where he lived is now his work, and luckily his new house is Still in our area! (though it took us a bit to find it. . . but now we have new places to tract, because we didn't realize that our area went past the other side of the highway!)

Third: Got invited to watch the Women's Session of General Conference. It was so NAMI! (*nice) I loved it so much, and it was the spiritual uplift I needed :D (also, All Conference Sessions are a week late here. So I won't be watching General Conference until this Saturday and Sunday. But I'm glad you all enjoyed it!) 

Fourth: Interviews were this week Can't believe it's already been three months since the last time we had interviews. That went by WAY fast. Gotta love seeing President and Sister Aquino. :D. kag nakilala iban mga missionaries (Kilala meaning: to be acquainted with another person. which is different from Kabalo: which is to "know a truth or fact" or ihibalo. Actually. To Know is a very strange verb that I still haven't figured out.) or in English: To know/talk-with other missionaries.)  

Fifth: As we were on the jeepney, headed to church on Sunday, I thought to myself. "Self, you and Sister Massé have had such a hard time this week. 15 lessons less than you normally do, almost No OYMs, how crazy would it be, if everyone just decided to come to church?" and about 45 min after church started, we got a text. Roni came! (we've taught him once! Last Sunday night) and he brought 5 of his nieces and nephews.  (4 of which are between the ages of 9 and 13. Though that was a bit stressful, because the primary teacher showed up 25 minutes later than they did, and they were already 45 minutes late. Gotta love Filipino time)
Roni with his nieces and nephews
Toffee came! (though it took him a bit to find the church, and he didn't have his cell phone to call us or ask us for directions again.) 

And Gina was, of course, there! It was crazy! We had 7 investigators at church! It was one of the most stressful things ever, trying to help them ALL feel welcome, when all of them had different needs. But it was a good stressful :D.(even if all Sister Massé and I did was sleep for our hour of lunch after church. haha, gotta love Fast Sunday) It really goes to show that Heavenly Father really is a God of Miracles, and that He works in His own time, and in His own way. But it just goes to show that this is truly the Lord's work! 

Anyway. Palangga ko kamo! Kabalo ako nga matuod ang simbahan!


-Sister Smith
Sister Massé and I found a coconut! We've still yet to try to open it. . and it's probably gone bad by now. Well, maybe we'll just throw it on the concrete to break it open. (or crack the concrete?)  also, an Indian Mango (they pronounce it Ain-jen). Which are everywhere, a little sour, and if it's on the ground and not gone bad, feel free to take it home and eat it!

Last week when we went to the Public Market! It was pretty awesome (and so cheap. Like, I bought six small tomatoes for 4 pesos.). I trusted the veggies (which were delicious) but I stayed FAR away from the meat. 

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