Pinalangga nga Panimalay kag mga Abyan,
It's been another week in Roxas, and things are going as . .
normal. . .
I'm gonna make a request. I seem to have run out of things
to tell you. . . so I'm requesting a Question and Answer for next week's letter
So some things have been happening. Apparently there was
supposed to be this monster super typhoon that was supposed to come and destroy
us all. . But that never happened. Don't know what happened to it. hmm.. (and
yet it was Last Week that I had to wash my clothes a second time because they
got rained on while drying)
Also, We have somehow been pulled into the Stake Choir?
There is going to be some sort of festival on the 11th or 12th or 13th (date
still in discussion) and different religious groups have been invited to have a
choir of 30 perform. Which is why the missionaries have been asked to
participate. We probably sound terrible. . .but whatever :) music is music, and
it's the spirit that counts.
Sister Menor found a "Friend" outside our
apartment and we decided to take it to choir practice and scare the American
Elders. hahaha.
This is my Friend the Horned Beetle (that's my hand, bytheway) |
Speaking of Apartments. . we have NOT yet moved. President
Aquino has been busy, our financial secretary is training the new FS, and is
therefore busy, so because of all the busy-ness in the office we still don't
have a down payment on the new place :P which is annoying. we wanted to move
Wednesday or so. . but now it might be Friday, (which is ANNOYING, because
Sister Robertson and I have a baptism then) and if it's on Saturday we'll just
have to wait till next week because Conference is Saturday. And if we move next
week I'll just be annoyed that I don't even get to enjoy the New place for more
than a week. But at least we're moving soon.
Speaking of Conference. Women's Conference was great! I love
that it always has a theme. Temples last time, families this time. It really
gets you thinking deeply about one subject.
I've reached the point where Holidays are just another day
now. Easter came and went as nothing special, probably because everyone in this
country focuses on the death on Thursday more than the Resurrection of Christ
on Sunday. (which, in my opinion, is a sad thing)
It's been great though, having extra time to really ponder
about the Atonement and what it, and Jesus Christ have done for me and my life.
I'll be eternally grateful for My Savior and Friend, Jesus Christ.
The Church is True.
I sure do love ya,
Sister Smith
"Please don't throw trash here." hehehe. I love irony. |
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