Guess what? I'm in Iloilo typing on an iPad!! Technology. The couple missionaries are letting me borrow it because there isn't any time to go to a computer shop , and they want to take us out to lunch right now.
It was a great week, I feel like I accomplished my goal: to preach repentance unto the people of Roxas with loving boldness. I really want to talk about everything. . . But no time. Rumpella got confirmed. :)
I already am done with my interview with President Aquino, and I leave for Manila tomorrow. TEMPLE trip. I'm way excited. Then off to Tokyo and Seattle, and I'll be home before I left, so let's just pretend that airplane is a police box, haha. I really can't say more, so I'll end with a final testimony.
Hiligaynon Version:
Gusto ko nga ipaambit ang pagkamatu-od ko,
Bal-an ko nga matu-od ang Libro ni Mormon. Mga pulong sang Diyos siya para sa aton, kag nagabulig siya sa aton nga makilala ang aton Maluluwas nga si JesuKristo. Bal-an ko nga biskan ano ang mga problema naton, ukon kon may pagtilaw kita, makabulig ang Libro ni Mormon sa aton mga kabuhi.
Bal-an ko nga Matuod nga propeta si Joseph Smith. Ginpanumbalik sang Diyos ang Ebanghelyo niya paagi kay Joseph Smith. Bal-an ko nga nakita niya ang Aton Langitnon nga Amay kag ang Iya Anak nga Si JesuKristo. Bal-an ko nga ginlubad niya ang Libro Ni Mormon paagi sa gahum sang Diyos. Bal-an ko nga paagi sa iya may priesthood kita diri sa kalibutan subong.
Bal-an ko nga Buhi nga Propeta si Thomas S. Monson. Bal-an ko nga kon magpamati kita sa iya mga pulong, magpamati kita sa mga pulong ni JesuKristo kag aton Amay para sa aton subong nga adlaw.
Bal-an ko nga napatay si JesuKristo para sa aton. Ginpayad niya ang mga sala naton para makahinulsol kita kag mangin matinlo kita kag makabalik kita sa presensya sang aton Langitnon nga Amay. Kag nagbanhaw siya, ti buhi na siya, kag ginagiya niya kita sa ulihing mga adlaw
Palangga ko si JesuKristo, kag malipay guid ako nga nakamission ako para sa iya. Salamat para sa inyo supporta sa akon diri sa Iloilo Philippines mission. Palangga ta kamo.
Sa ngalan in JesusKristo, amen.
Si Sister Smith
English Version:
(Which may sound a little weird at times. . .because I'm translating it from the Ilonggo. . . . )
I want to share my Testimony,
I know that The Book of Mormon is true. It is the Word of God for us, it helps us come to know our Savior, Jesus Christ. I know that whatever our problems are, or if we have trials, the Book of Mormon can help our lives.
I know that Joseph smith was a true prophet. God restored His Gopsel through him. God restored His Gospel through Joseph Smith. I know he saw Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I know he translated the Book of Mormon through the power of God. I know that through him we have Priesthood here on Earth today.
I know that Jesus Christ died for us. He paid for our sins for us to be able to repent to become clean and to to be able to return to the presence of our Heavenly Father. He was resurrected, and at He lives, guiding us in these last days.
I love Jesus Christ and I am so happy to have been able to mission for him. Thank you all for your support to me here in the Iloilo Philippines mission. I love you all.
In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Sister Smith.
Sorry, this is short. Low bat. And I'm getting a little frustrated because this iPad keeps turning my ilonggo into English. . . . So it's kinda annoying. And there are no pictures. . . Because I'm using an iPad. . . Yeah. . I don't think I can get over this using high tech technology thing.
I love you. See you soon :)
Joke lang. a picture. The AP let me use his computer :)
Last moment with Sister Robertson |
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